Monday, September 22, 2008

The PA Squad (l-r) Hiawatha, Yasmine, David, and Joshua.

On Saturday, September 20th, I had the opportunity to work in Corte Madera as a production assistant for Tom Donald Films. We were shooting a promotion I am not at liberty to divulge after signing an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). Arrived at an empty house at 6:45am, and by about 9am, the place was jam packed with people and equipment. It was a lot of fun. A great group of folk. I learned how to install floorboard, and that the term "C47" is production-speak for "clothespin". I was also able to participate in the shoot as the slate handler (and let me tell you, actors work hard. The two actresses did about 50 takes, as well as a lot of sitting and waiting). The house we shot in was beautiful. Gorgeous weather. And the catered food (breakfast and lunch!) was sumptuous.
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