Thursday, October 30, 2008

PA's, grips, camera crew and director setting up a shot.

Yours truly with the insuperable Mr. Michael Westerman.

Art Director, Dylan Kahn

On October 17, 18 & 20, I worked on a shoot for a Honda car commercial at Lafayette Square Park in downtown Oakland.

The job was fun (and hard work!). We laid a lot of sod (Saturday turned out to be "Sod Day"), and hung too many Christmas lights in that big tree in the photograph. Turned out none of the lights showed up in the shoot, and the ones that did, particularly those we painstakingly wrapped around the trunk of the tree, did show, but apparently so much so, that the lady from the agency requested we take'em down!

Had the pleasure to work with a great group of Los Angeles fellas, especially our very cool and funny Art Director, Mr. Dylan Kahn (pictured above), who apparently was diggin' the scene to such an extent he had to git down wit one-ah dose Oaktown tees.

gracias a
Tina Tamale for taking and forwarding the photo with Michael. If you happen to find yourself in downtown Oakland with a grumbling tummy, be sure to check out La Borinqueña Mex-icatessen & Specialty Shop.

And that's a wrap!
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