Tuesday, November 25, 2008

When we were kids, my dad would frequently tell us that "money don't grow on trees", so I was glad when my cell quietly chirped the morning of Wednesday the 19th (Happy 41st to Dee!). Mr. Westerman was calling to ask if I was working that day, and did I want to make $200. About 90 minutes later, I was driving to Montara State Beach to work as a Production Assistant on a single day video shoot for some pharmaceutical company. That's yours truly in the background of the photo in red, sweeping sand along with Westerman. Beautiful beach. But boy was it cold (brrrrr!!!). Those stepping stones don't look so formidable in the photo, but they were heavy. After completion of the shoot, we had to drag them across the sand, six-at-a-time, atop a furny (moving blanket), then about seven of us daisy-chained them up some very steep stairs, before they were put back into the moving van.

Muchos gracias a Jihyun for sending me the pic.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008
Mutabaruka at the San Francisco Green Festival.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Election Day 2008!

my mom and i casting our votes in Pittsburg, California.

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