Friday, May 29, 2009

Mekanism founder Tommy Means

DID a job today for a "production studio, housing film, animation and interactive content creator" in San Francisco called mekanism .

With DJ and aspiring screenwriter Joe Richardson, drove to IKEA and Office Depot to pick up new tables and office chairs. Had to make duplicate trips in both instances. I initially picked up brown chairs, when the order was for black. After returning from IKEA and opening the tabletop boxes, it was discovered they were the wrong dimensions (too small) (not my fault). So we had to repack 'em and return'em.

Ah, the life of the professional PA!

Finally, after everything was correctly purchased and returned to the office, assembly was succesful, and with not too much difficulty.

Friday just so happened to be "free lunch day" in their office, so we were treated to a generous assortment of delicious pizza, tossed salad and beverages.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

(l-r) Drama Princess and Queen, Neffie & Frankie

ONE of the interesting aspects of the Production Assistant business is, you never know when you're going to get a call for a job, what the location will be, nor the nature of the project. Got a call from writer, producer, and director
Mr. Avery O. Williams, requesting my assistance on a reality television shoot.
Today wrapped five days of my participation, driving production and camera crews around Oakland, Lafayette and Sacramento shooting for the upcoming BET reality TV show "Frankie & Neffie".

In case you haven't heard,
Frankie and Neffie are the mother and sister of singer and reality TV superstar Keyshia Cole. The show is tentatively scheduled to air sometime in late summer, or early fall. The very best in contemporary, Emmy award winning all-American cable edutainment, and a show you most definitely don't wanna miss!
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