Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Reporting to u from Ensenada (Baja CA) in a computer shop across the street from the bus terminal. the proprieter asked me for $1US for one hour of internet access.

On the train last night a young fellow boarded at the Stockton(?) station and sat in the seat in front of me. He wore a Harvard hooded sweatshirt & was typing on a laptop. a few stations up the road he struck up a conversation with me. told me he was a Religious Studies and Political Science major at Cal State Bakersfield (graduating this quarter) and was doing a little homework on the train. He said he had recently attended a Peace Conference where he met family members of Mahatma Karamchand Gandhī; Yolanda King, the late daughter of Martin Luther King, Jr. We introduced ourselves. His name was Anthony. Anthony Chavez. He is a grandson of César Estrada Chávez, the great National Farm Workers Association founder and organizer.
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